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31 Creative Back to School Treats for Students

Classroom activities for school students

Teaching is a noble profession where teachers are considered the primary pillars of an education system. Without them, there would be no possibility of gaining knowledge and skills for growth. We know that teachers carry out different classroom activities for school students, from communicating to planning to sharing creative ideas, monitoring and assessing individual students during their regular teaching.

These classroom activities for students are fun ways to engage them in the learning process without realising it. Is this necessary? Being a teacher, you would be aware of the classroom situations and the percentage of students actually paying attention to their studies.

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According to a study conducted by Indiana State University in 2014, nearly half of the students feel bored and skip school at least once or twice. The research suggests that 20 per cent of students considered dropping out of school. Therefore, it becomes important for teachers to find out innovative ways of teaching so that students remain focused and interested in a class. Let's see what are some cool and interesting classroom activities that will not only engage students but also help in learning things.

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Are you looking for some interesting classroom activities that can help in conducting learning activities for students? Let us look into some of the exciting activities that can be planned for the school students. Embibe brings you 'Top 25 classroom activities for the school students' which will help you as teachers to coordinate with the students in a better way. These classroom activities planned by teachers will not only help in proper student engagement with enthusiasm but also provide quality education to the school students.

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Classroom Activities: Benefits

Sometimes regular teaching is not productive as a student's interest and requirements. The school students get quickly bored with standard learning. However, they need more fun and engaging activities.

Let us consider that you as a teacher want to conduct activities for students for effective learning. What kind of activities would you think about school students? And how can it be beneficial for them? Do you remember when your school teachers used to conduct fun and exciting activities in classes? We used to wait for such classes when our teachers would adopt different classroom activities for learning other than just the usual study-learning approach. Now, you can also create an engaging learning environment for your students. Make sure that you conduct those classroom activities that are beneficial for their academic performance. You can also think of attracting their attention with several fun activities.

We also acknowledge that teachers feel a sense of accomplishment after teaching the students. This feeling generally comes when you have done your best as a teacher, and the students also feel engaged throughout the class. Some teachers try hard to make boring lessons very interesting through many activities. With the help of such teaching-related classroom activities in schools, the students also develop confidence and improve their motivation, concentration, physical and knowledge skills.

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Benefits of classroom activities for school students
Benefits of classroom activities for school students

Learning Activities for School Students

#Classroom Activity 1 – Think, Pair and Share

Group size – 2
Time duration –  30 minutes
Description– You can create questions based on a particular topic taught in the class. You can pair up your students for this activity. Give them enough time to think and come out with solutions. They will be able to share their thoughts on those particular topics.

Practice Exam Questions

Benefits –With this task, students will be able to engage themselves in conversation with partners and develop their confidence and communication skills.

Think, Pair and Share
Think, Pair and Share

#Classroom Activity 2 – Group Discussion

Group size – 6-7
Time duration –  30 minutes
Description – Split the class into two to three groups with equal participants focused on a single topic. Each group has to share their ideas and thoughts on the same topic.

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Benefits – There are interaction and collaboration among the students. Here students are learning from each other inputs.

Group Discussion
Group Discussions

Attempt Mock Tests

#Classroom Activity 3 – Pair, Share and Repeat

Group size – 2
Time duration – 15 minutes
Description – You can ask students to find a new partner and share experiences of old partnership with the new partner. Same thing students continue with the other new partner.

Benefits – It improves communication skills, interaction and knowledge sharing.

Pair, Share and Repeat
Pair, Share and Repeat

#Classroom Activity 4 – Pictionary

Group size – 5-6
Time duration – 5 minutes
Description – Students are always excited to participate in this activity. You can split the class into two groups and ask one of the students to pick up a word and draw a picture describing it. And the opposite group is supposed to guess the word and if they correctly guess the word gets to draw next.

Benefits –This helps students in improving concentration, focus and communication skills.


#Classroom Activity 5 – Role Play

Group size – 7-8
Time duration – 2 hours
Description – You can ask your students to prepare for a role play on any topic based on the curriculum. For example, creating a successful role-play of any historical figures or characters and enacting. Split the class into two to three groups with an equal number of students in each group. You can ask students to organize and structure the play so that the content you want to cover is addressed properly.

Benefits – It can help students motivate themselves to solve any problems or resolve the character's conflict. Also, provide a platform for students to understand the issue and develop skills In writing, reading, research, etc.

Role Play
Role Play

#Classroom Activity 6 – Blind Artist

Group size – 2
Time duration – 1 hour
Description – You can make a pair of students sitting opposite each other. One of the students will be given a picture and the other student will have paper and a pencil. A student holding the picture has to describe it to his partner. And the other students have to creatively draw based on his description of the picture. The pair who gets the closest resemblance to the picture will be given points.
Benefits – This activity can improve creativity skills among students and build understanding quality and improve communication skills.

Blind Artist
Blind Artist

#Classroom Activity 7 – Ice Breakers

Group size – 2
Time duration – 15 minutes
Description – You can make a pair of students sitting opposite each other. One of the students will be given a picture, and the other will have paper and a pencil. A student holding the image has to describe it to his partner. And the other students have to creatively draw based on his description of the picture. The pair who gets the closest resemblance to the image will be given points.
Benefits– This activity can improve creativity skills among students and build understanding quality and improve communication skills.

Ice Breakers
Ice Breakers

#Classroom Activity 8 – Mime

Group size – 6-7
Time duration – 5 minutes
Description – As people say, action speaks louder than words. Split the class into two to three groups with equal numbers of students. One student from each group is given a piece of paper consisting of a word to enact and show the opposite group. The students from the other group have to identify the word. If they guess that correctly, the team will give the points, and if not, points will be given to opposite team members.

Benefits – This activity helps students to concentrate and observe their facial expressions and movements.


#Classroom Activity 9 – Case Studies

Group size – 1
Time duration – 1 day
Description – This is a very important activity for students to develop their knowledge and skills. You can give students some real-life situations or scenarios, they have to write about the problems, challenges in the particular situation and also come up with the solutions.
Benefits – This helps students to develop their decision making and other valuable skills.

Case Studies
Case Studies

#Classroom Activity 10 – Creative Writing

Group size – 1
Time duration – 1 hour
Description – You can give students something that they can think and write about. There are no specific rules for this activity. Students have to write something important that is simple and short at the same time.
Benefits – If you encourage students to start writing in the classroom, they develop creative and innovative ideas. Also improves their reading and writing skills.

Creative Writing
Creative Writing

#Classroom Activity 11 – Recognising People – Who am I?

Group size – 5-6
Time duration – 5 minutes
Description – You can take a picture of some person, object, or place known to all the students. Split the class into two groups and ask one of the students to see the picture and introduce it without using its name. You can ask students to give hints if required. Let me explain to you with an example, suppose the name of the person in the picture is a cartoon character. So they have to tell, "I am a cartoon character, and I like eating spinach because it gives me strength. Who am I?" The students from the opposite group have to guess the character. If the student says, it's Popeye. Then the points will be given to that group. This activity continues till they get the winner with maximum points.

Benefits – With this activity, students can pay attention to the class. This activity can be exciting for students to think and imagine things in their minds.

Recognizing People
Recognising People

#Classroom Activity 12 – Quiz

Group size – 5-6
Time duration – 1 minute
Description – You can divide the class into two groups. And ask questions related to the subject to each group. Each question consists of four options from which they have to choose the right answer. The group with the right answer will get the points.
Benefits – This activity helps the students acquire knowledge, teamwork and stimulate memory.

Group Quiz

#Classroom Activity 13 – Advertisement Activity

Group size – 7-8
Time duration – 2 hours
Description – In this activity, divide the class with an equal number of students in each group. You can give any product name to each group. For example, soap and coconut oil. You can ask them to prepare an advertisement to sell these products. Students will plan and implement their strategies for advertising the product. You have to judge them based on costume, script, marketing strategy and planning. The group with all the criteria will be considered as the winner.

Benefits – It helps them to think creatively and innovate new ideas to sell their products. They even develop good team working skills, communication, planning, implementation and most importantly knowledge.

Advertisement Activity
Advertisement Activity

#Classroom Activity 14 – Architectural Activity

Group size – 1
Time duration – One day
Description – This is a very interesting activity for the students in the classroom as well as for homework. You can ask your students to build some architectural house/building/ monument by using waste materials, for example, sticks, leaves, cardboard, newspapers, bottles, etc. They have to use only materials that are found in their surroundings.

They have to come up with a structure the next day and explain what they made and what are the materials used to develop it. Also listing the materials used for building the structure. The structure with the best architectural design will be considered as the winner.

Benefits – With this activity, they develop critical thinking, decision making, planning designing, collection and compilation of information, the importance of the environment and its resources, innovative ideas, patience and concentration.

Architectural Activity
Architectural Activity

#Classroom Activity 15 – Educational Tour

Group size – Whole class
Time duration –  1-2 days
Description – We know that students need some change in their routine. Sometimes you must plan an educational tour for students. You can plan a trip for a day or two. Take them to some historical places, monuments, natural habitats, museums, industries/factories, etc related to your subject. You can ask them to note down the important information about the place.
Benefits – It gives chance to the students and learning outside the classroom. They will enjoy and learn at the same time. They can relate to the lesson taught in the classroom with actual settings.

Educational Tour

#Classroom Activity 16 – Extempore

Group size – 1
Time duration – 10 minutes
Description – This is an exciting topic for the students in the classroom. You can randomly call students and ask them to pick up a topic from the bowl. They can start the extempore by introducing themselves and about the topic. For example, if a student gets the 'importance of examination', he should explain the topic for 10 minutes. The student who does exceptionally well in the extempore will be considered as the winner. This will continue for all the students.

Benefits– In this way, students will speak on any random topic without fear. They can think on the spot and deliver the speech. With this activity, even the other students get motivated and perform. They develop confidence, overcome nervousness, increase thinking ability and improve their communication skills.


#Classroom Activity 17 – Teaching through Real-World Examples

Group size – Whole class
Time Duration – 1 day
Description – You must have come across certain topics that are very difficult to make students understand and realise their importance. In this case, it is better for you to take them for an outdoor learning experience. You should complete any unit/chapter from the syllabus, for example, Natural resources and their types.

Let me explain with an example, you have taught some basics of natural resources to the students. Take them around and show the resources in real. They will start analyzing what is being taught in the class. Now they can come up with their understanding of the topic with their actual experience. Conduct an activity by dividing the group of students. Each group should apply their learning and bring a list of natural resources found around them and differentiate them into renewable and non-renewable resources. This way, the whole concept of natural resources can be learned outside the classroom and fun at the same time.
Benefits – Real-world learning is an effective way to teach students because it let them bridge classroom experience with actual life. It said that the information is retained in our memory for a longer time visually than with the words.

Teaching through Real-World Examples
Teaching through real-world examples

#Classroom Activity 18 – Developing a New Hobby

Group size – Whole class
Time Duration – 1 hour
Description – You should ask students to have an ambition in life. Ask them to think and write an essay about it. For example, a student wants to become a doctor.  You should ask them to write on why he/she wants to become a doctor. This activity can bring a lot of variety in their thinking with respect to their ambition.
Benefits – It gives students the confidence to think and write about their ambition. They will think of ideas that can help them achieve their goal.

Developing a New Hobby
Developing a new hobby

#Classroom Activity 19 – Interactive Sessions – Asking Questions

Group size – 2
Time Duration – 30 minutes
Description – We know that sometimes students feel shy from asking questions in the classroom even when they are confused about the subject.  In this case, you can conduct this activity in the classroom. Finish a topic on any subject in the class. Then ask your students to list down questions related to the same topic and also answer those questions based on their learning. After the question and answer session is over. Make a pair of students and ask them to test each other with the questions they have written. And finally, share their results with the whole class.
Benefits – With this activity, they develop questioning skills based on their learning and also find the answer for it.

Interactive Sessions
Asking Questions

#Classroom Activity 20 – Debate

Group size – 7-8
Time Duration – 2 hours
Description – There are times when we agree and disagree on certain topics. Everyone has their opinion and understanding of certain issues related to the subject. We should give the students an opportunity to exchange their opinions with respect to any topic. Split the class into two groups A and B. Here, group A will speak in favour and B will speak against it. You should finish a topic in a class and ask them to debate on that. Ask them to sit face to face and start the discussion. Each group will speak their mind in favour and against the topic. You might be surprised to see how the students put out their assumptions and misconceptions about the topic.

Benefits – In this case, the students become more engaged intellectually, emotionally and socially. And also develop observation quality.

#Classroom Activity 21 – Charades

Group size – 7-8
Time Duration – 2 hours
Description – This is a fun activity for the students. Sometimes students need a change in the classroom routine. It is important to create fun activities at the same time effective learning. Split the class into two groups and select one of the students from the group to enact a word related to lessons being taught in the class. The others in the same group have to guess the word. If they guess correctly points will be given to them if not the opposite group will get the points.
Benefits – In this way, they are able to concentrate and remember the words learned in the class.


#Classroom Activity 22 – Draw Swords

Group size – 9-10
Time Duration – 1 hour
Description –  You can split the students into two groups. All the students will have a textbook/dictionary on the table. Once you say a word or image from the respective books, students will rush to find in their book. The student who finds the word/image first will be a winner. The game is continued so that all the students get a chance to play.
Benefits – This is a fire game promoting quick thinking and building a healthy competitive spirit among students.

Draw Swords

#Classroom Activity 23 – Ball Game

Group size – 9-10
Time Duration – 1 hour
Description – You have to prepare questions for the students based on the lessons taught in the class. Split the class into two groups. You have to call one of the students from a group to answer the question. The students of other groups are not allowed to discuss the answers. If the student answers correctly, he is chosen to throw a ball into one of the cups named 'A' with 5, 'B' with 10 and 'C' with 15 points, respectively. The ball dropped in any of these cups will be given marks assigned in those cups. For example, cup 'B' is 10 marks; then the student will be given 10 marks. These points should be recorded on the board for progress. Finally, the team with maximum points will be considered as the winner.

Benefits – This activity will help students remember the concept being taught in the class.

Ball Game
Ball Games

#Classroom Activity 24 – Brainstorming Sessions

Group size – 8-9
Time Duration – 1 hour
Description – Sometimes watching students sitting at their own desks and daydreaming will not solve the problem. You must conduct an activity that can trigger their interest in learning. One such activity can be brainstorming where you can bring your students together and engage them in learning. You can divide the class into two or three groups and give them a topic related to the lessons. And ask them to share their information with others which will help them to be engaged and learn at the same time.
Benefits – It helps students with interaction among students, improves their communication skills and knowledge for better learning outcomes

Brainstorming Sessions
Brainstorming Sessions

#Classroom Activity 25 – Concept Drawing

Group size – 1
Time Duration – 1 hour
Description – If you want to make sure your students are grasping the lessons taught by you then give this activity. Ask them to draw the concept on the white paper. Let them analyze the concept and draw. Once they submit their drawing, review it and give appreciation to their work.
Benefits – With this activity, you can make out how much your students really understood the lessons. And also this will help students to focus and compile the information through drawing.

Concept Drawing
Concept Drawing

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the frequently asked questions on classroom activities for school students.

Q1: What are examples of classroom activities?
A: Classroom activities make learning fun and engaging for students. Some of the examples are Mime, Ice Breakers, Quizes, etc.

Q2: What are some good school activities?
A: We have provided the 25 best classroom and school activities for students. Teachers can make learning fun and interesting with the help of these activities like Quizes, Drawing, Brainstorming, Games, etc.

Q3: What different activities can a teacher use in the classroom?
A: A teacher can conduct different classroom and school activities to make learning. Some of the best activities are Concept Drawing, Brainstorming Sessions, Debate, Group Discussions, Games, etc.

Q4: What are the benefits of classroom activities for students?
A: There are numerous benefits of conducting school and classroom activities for students. Some of them are:
(i) It develops interest in studies
(ii) It engages students
(iii) It helps students in exam preparation

We hope that this complete article on 'Classroom Activities for School Students' would have been useful for you. In case, you have some other ideas or need other suggestions, comment in the box below. We will like to cover it in our next article.

Stay tuned to for more ideas on classroom activities for school students


31 Creative Back to School Treats for Students
