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How to Target Facebook Ads to Fans of a Competitor Page

Creating a fan page increases interest in a product or business.

i Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images

A Facebook fan page is a profile created for a business or event that other users can "Like" and promote to their friends. You can create a fan page for your photography business and use it to showcase photos, announce specials and communicate with current and future customers. Setting up a Facebook fan page for your photography business is free and simple to do, and can be set with a level of privacy appropriate to your business.

Step 1

Create a personal Facebook page if you don't already have one, then create a Facebook fan page for your business by visiting the "Create a Page" link (see Resources).

Step 2

Click the page type that best describes your photography business. Select "Company" from the drop-down category box, then enter the name of your photography business into the "Name" field. Read the Facebook Terms of Service, check the box if you agree with the terms, then click "Get Started."

Step 3

Click "Edit Page" on the left side of your fan page. Fill out as much information as you want to make publicly available; none of the fields are required, and you can leave as many blank as you want. Remember that all information entered will be made available for anyone to see. Click "Save Changes" when finished, then click "View Page" to go back to the main page.

Step 4

Click "Upload Picture" on the main page of your business page and upload the picture you want to be your Facebook fan page's main image. This is the picture that will appear next to your name whenever you comment or start a discussion.

Step 5

Click "Suggest to Friends" if you want to send your fan page to your Facebook friends. Check the name of each friend you want to message, then click "Send Invites." Click "Import Contacts" to upload a list of email contacts if you would rather send a fan page request to everyone you know at the same time. Facebook has a 5,000-email limit.

Step 6

Post testimonials on your page from current or past customers, or ask a customer to join your group and leave a review on your photography business's fan page. Offer an incentive for customers to leave a review, such as a discount or free print.

Step 7

Hold a contest specifically for your Facebook fans, such as a free photography session for the fan who gets the largest number of people to "Like" your page.

Step 8

Post coupons on your Facebook page that aren't available anywhere else. Remind customers via a newsletter, website or notice within your store that special discount coupons are available each month exclusively on your photography business's Facebook fan page.

Step 9

Add a link to your Facebook fan page to all of your business cards and paper advertisements, and to your email signature.

Step 10

Ask a local business about a "link swap," offering to advertise its services on your Facebook page if it will do the same for you. For example, ask a local print shop to advertise your photograph business on its own fan page, and advertise that business on your fan page in return.

Step 11

Create photography tutorials and post them as public notes on your fan page to attract web search traffic. Create tutorials that focus on your company's niche. If your photography business specializes in portrait photography, for example, post a tutorial on taking portrait photos.

Step 12

Create albums to showcase specific types of photography you offer. Create a "Nature" album, for example, to showcase nature photos. Add a link to your company on each photograph using a photo editing program, and encourage your fans to tag themselves in your photos. A tagged photo will appear on that person's wall where his friends can see it.

How to Target Facebook Ads to Fans of a Competitor Page
