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How to Tell if Your Boss Likes You

By: Corrina Horne

Updated November 18, 2021

Medically Reviewed By: Lauren Guilbeault

The dynamics involved in attraction, romance, and relationships can be complex and confusing. This is perhaps never truer than when an employee and a superior are involved; in addition to the standard feelings, you might feel frightened, excited, and extremely uncomfortable-or just uncomfortable, full stop. The unique relationship between a boss and an employee does not make for an equal partnership, but instead paves the way for a relationship with some difficult and problematic exchanges and interactions.

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Unequal Power Dynamics

Perhaps the greatest problem and danger in discovering your boss is attracted to you is the reality of unequal power dynamics . In any relationship involving a question of authority figure and subordinate, the two people in question are automatically entering a romantic arena on unequal footing. When the boss develops feelings for or an attraction to an employee, it can feel exploitative; the employee might feel as though they are not able to turn down their employer's advances for fear of losing their job or facing workplace consequences.

Employees might also begin facing questions from their coworkers, especially if the boss experiencing attraction begins to show favoritism or any other inappropriate preference for you, which creates resentment among employees. This, in turn, creates unequal power dynamics not only between you and your boss, but also between you and your coworkers; romantic or sexual interest should never take the place of legitimate workplace qualifications, and allowing your feelings to cloud your judgment creates an unhealthy, unsafe, and unpleasant work environment for everyone.

Workplace Flirtation

Workplace flirtation is not terribly uncommon. Studies demonstrate that familiarity and proximity are both powerful motivators where romance and relationships are concerned. It makes sense, then, that the workplace is a common breeding ground for dalliances. In many cases, flirting with a coworker, or entering into a relationship with a coworker is not problematic. Work can be tense, awkward, or uncomfortable for a time if the two of you break up, but by and large, the consequences of dating a coworker are negligible.

This is not the case when you and your boss become involved, though. Most workplaces have some sort of policy enacted to prevent relationships like this so entering into a relationship with your boss could mean the loss of your job, or (at the very least) a transfer into another department or another store in the same corporation. Even if an actual relationship does not develop, a mutual attraction can land the two of you in hot water, and could make the workplace a more difficult place to be.

Workplace flirtations might initially seem harmless, but can quickly veer into uncomfortable or even dangerous territory. Workplace relationships, (again) while not uncommon, have the potential to bring discomfort, pain, and frustration to far more than just the two people involved; coworkers and managers can all get involved, and work itself can grow tenuous. This is particularly true if the two people in question are a boss and subordinate, as disciplinary action may need to be taken, and ethics committees might have to become involved, depending on the job and type of work involved.


Signs Your Boss Is Attracted To You

You suspect your boss is attracted to you, but haven't directly been propositioned, or found any means to determine if your suspicion is legitimate. If that is the case, you must simply read the signs and decide whether or not your superior's behavior suggests attraction or romantic interest. Signs include:

1) Your Intuition Is Screaming

You might not have any evidence of your boss' interest, but if you have a gut feeling that your boss is showing interest in you, there is likely good reason; most people can instinctually tell when someone is expressing interest. Although a gut feeling might not be enough to take to another authority figure, it can alert you to what is going on, and help you keep up your guard.

2) Special Attention

If your boss seems to continually offer you special attention, it is a good sign that he or she is interested in you. Special attention might look like offering you all of the desired projects, all of the preferred shifts, or could simply mean paying more attention to you and speaking to you more than other employees.

3) They Talk To You Outside Of Work

Whether your boss makes a point of talking to you outside of work hours, or makes a point of speaking to you about things that are not related to work, most people who are attracted to their employees will find a way to learn more about them, and forge deeper connections than those afforded by a simple coworker relationship. This is best done by chatting about things that do not directly relate to work.

4) They Find A Way to Be Close

Most people, when they are attracted to someone, will try to find ways to be closer to the object of their affections. The same is true of bosses; if your boss is interested in you, you might notice that he or she seems to always find a way to be close to you . This could be in the way they speak to you, with your faces always seeming just a bit closer than everyone else's, or could be through being assigned to the same projects and duties. Regardless of the exact mechanism, you will likely find your boss attempting to get close to you.

5) They Tell You How Invaluable You Are

In some cases, your boss might not feel comfortable speaking effusively about you without bringing work into the equation. When this happens, your boss might constantly and regularly praise your work, your work ethic, or your talent, taking great care to make sure you know how much they see and appreciate you. This could take on the form of exaggerated compliments, excessive promotions, or a constant, steady stream of gushing over how great an asset you are to the company, or your boss, specifically.

Some bosses will exhibit each of these symptoms of infatuation, while others will only display one. When you know that your boss has feelings for you, or a romantic interest in you, it usually requires some amount of action, as forging ahead with a relationship or trying to ignore the problem both have their own consequences.

What To Do When Your Boss Is Attracted To You

First, assess your level of comfort. Is your boss making unwanted advances, threatening your career, or in any way making you feel frightened, unsafe, or nervous to go to work? If so, it may be time to seek help from his or her supervisor, in order to get the problem resolved at a higher level. If not, you may be able to simply discuss the issue with your boss, decline the advance, and continue doing your work entirely unimpeded.

If you have made it clear that you are not interested in a romantic relationship with your boss, and he or she continues to show you special treatment, single you out, and generally find ways to be closer to you during work hours or beyond, this could also warrant seeking outside help. It is never appropriate to behave this way with someone you are romantically interested in, but is (again) even more problematic in this type of dynamic, as your sense of safety is being infringed upon in multiple ways-including the way you make a living. If you are supporting a family, animals, or even just under some amount of financial duress, the fear brought on by a flirting or advancing boss could be too much to bear.

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If you, too, find yourself experiencing attraction for your boss, there are several steps you can take. The first could mean simply setting yourself up for success by removing yourself from your boss' presence as much and as often as possible. If you can, you may even want to apply for a transfer, yourself, to either open the possibility of a relationship, or protect yourself from disciplinary action.

In either case, clear and direct communication is the best course forward, followed by any additional action that needs to be taken. Although your boss might not have nefarious intent in being attracted to you, you should always make sure that there are other people who know about the situation-people you feel safe with, who have earned your trust. That way, if anything does go awry, you have some allies at your side to help you move forward with dignity, grace, and safety.

Moving Forward Safely

Finding that your boss is attracted to you can be frightening; because of the power dynamics involved, you might alternately feel excited, exhilarated, afraid, and wary. Even if you want to enter into a relationship, be aware: getting involved with your boss rarely ends joyfully, and often ends with pain, confusion, embarrassment, and the possibility of losing your job. If you find that you lack the confidence and strength to end communication and interaction with your boss, or you still aren't certain how you should proceed, speaking with a licensed therapist can help you come to some type of agreement or understanding that can help you move forward with a healthy business relationship with your boss.

The power and potential loss involved in a boss-subordinate flirtation or relationship make these types of dalliances potentially dangerous. Usually not a good idea to enter into, boss-employee relationships raise countless questions from the perspective of a company's ethics, morals, and personnel responsibilities. In addition to getting into trouble on the boss' end, employees can also be terminated from their positions. Any type of boss-employee relationship has the potential for damage to numerous parties, and any kind of action should be taken with care and consideration.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you tell if your boss is attracted to you?

There are a few surefire signs your boss likes you in a romantic way. For example, if your boss likes you, they'll often find ways to work one on one with you, or they might exhibit other signs of attraction. If your boss likes you romantically, they might give you a lot of compliments, engage in prolonged eye contact, find excuses for little physical touches, or praise you in front of other employees. If your boss likes you romantically, the boss tells you frequently that you do good work, even if your work is average at best. When taken together, these patterns in their behavior is an easy way to know if your boss likes you romantically.

There are some advantages and disadvantages if your boss likes you romantically. On the plus side, if your boss secretly likes you romantically, you can expect a certain amount of job security. As long as the boss thinks you're great (for whatever reason), they're likely to keep you around. A boss who sees you as a potential romantic partner will likely keep you in their department, and that boss will probably give you a sense of security in the department or company.

On the flip side of that coin, there can be some disadvantages if your boss probably is pretty interested in you romantically. These problems can occur between you and your boss, as well as between you and your coworkers. If your boss is a pretty strict person, this could cause friction between you if you decide to act on your feelings of attraction. This also gives the boss a chance to show favoritism towards you, which can be good for your career in the short term, but often has negative long term consequences. Lastly, the most terrible thing the boss can do once you start seeing each other romantically is end the relationship. This will leave you in a lurch not only in your love life but in your professional life as well. So, there are some serious risks involved when it comes to reading into those clues that your boss is flirting with you.

Then there's the possible conflict with your colleagues. Even if you're a business insider and you're succeeding at work based on your own merit, if your coworkers pick up on the signs your boss is attracted to you, they might start to resent you. They might say that the boss is impressed with your work simply because the boss is impressed with your body. Or, they might feel jealous about how the boss is constantly praising you, even if your work isn't outstanding. They may also feel that they are being treated unfairly in some instances but your boss always takes your side; eventually, this can lead to a toxic work environment for everyone. Basically, you won't be able to earn your coworker's trust if the boss is also your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Whatever the case and whatever your reaction to the signs your boss is flirting with you, it's important to keep the professional aspect of the relationship in mind. It's great if your boss likes you, but hopefully they like you for more than just the sexual appeal.

How do you tell if your boss is trying to get rid of you?

According to a top business insider, the easiest way to tell that a boss is trying to get rid of you is when they take official steps towards firing you. While this may seem like an obvious answer, it's the most surefire way to tell if your boss is trying to get rid of you. If your boss said that bosses above them are the ones taking action, you should request to speak with their supervisors. And if your boss gets nervous when you mention that, you might be able to conclude that your boss is trying to get rid of you themselves without any real input from their own supervisors.

In order to get a better idea of whether or not your boss is trying to get rid of you, re-read your contract. Your contract, along with any employee handbook, should spell out exactly what a boss needs to do in order to get rid of you. If you see that your boss is inching through those steps or procedures, you can do your best to manage your boss' progress in the firing process. Make sure to keep plenty of notes and documentation, especially if you think that your boss is moving towards wrongful termination.

How do you know if your boss is flirting?

If your boss likes you romantically, they'll exhibit a lot of the normal signs of attraction, such as giving a lot of compliments, engaging in prolonged eye contact, finding excuses to touch you in appropriate or acceptable ways throughout the working day, or praising you in front of other employees or even in front of their own superiors. Even if you are unsure if your boss likes you romantically, you can watch out for these signs your boss is flirting with you.

Once you know whether or not your boss likes you romantically and after you see the signs your boss is flirting with you, you have to decide how you'll respond. Even if your boss is constantly flirting or you know your boss wants to sleep with you, the decision is up to you. If you're comfortable with the fact that your boss likes you romantically and you like them too, then you should have an honest and open conversation with them. You should discuss whether or not to act on these mutual feelings, and realistically consider the impact it could have on your working dynamic. You should also consider company or department policies that address dating in the workplace. Then, if your boss likes you romantically and you like them too, you can move forward with the relationship.

But what if your boss likes you romantically and you don't return these feelings? Again, you need to have an open and honest conversation with your boss. Tell them exactly what they do and say that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you think that your boss likes you romantically but you don't know how to tell them off – or you don't feel comfortable or safe telling them to back off – you should talk to a representative from human resources. In most companies and departments, there are already systems in place to deal with these workplace issues and facilitate such important conversations.

Is it OK to flirt with your boss?

Before you decide to flirt with your boss, it's important to think through all of the risks and benefits. If you're getting signs that your boss is attracted to you romantically, then it would be easy to go ahead and start flirting with them. However, remember that flirting with your boss, even if your boss likes you a lot, can lead to consequences down the road.

First, you should consider how serious this flirting is. Is it just break room banter? Maybe some casual but appropriate physical contact? What about flirtatious eye contact? If you don't expect the flirting to be anything more than just some spice to normal, boring, everyday work conversations, then it might be best not to give the boss mixed messages. You should be especially careful if you see some signs that your boss is wanting or expecting more from you romantically, even if your intention is just some casual flirting to make office life more interesting.

But what if you'd actually like to pursue a romantic relationship with your boss? Be sure to keep in mind the risks associated with this move. The biggest risk, of course, would be what happens if you break up. Even if you sense good signs and a successful relationship, the dread of a possible breakup could always be looming over a relationship with your boss. This could impact your projects and assignments. You might find that your romantic relationship gets in the way of your working relationship, or vice versa. Plus, the ramifications of dating and then breaking up with your boss could lead to any number of signs of danger for the future.

In fact, dating and then breaking up with your boss could even impact your ability to get a new job, even after you leave your ex-lover's department. According to a business insider, bosses confer with one another before making hiring decisions. If your ex-lover is a business insider in your field, they could easily "poison the well" and make it difficult to find your next job.

So, before you engage in some seemingly harmless flirting with your boss, you should look for the signs that your boss is looking for something deeper. You might think it is okay to flirt in a few instances but your boss may be wanting and expecting more from that flirtation. If so, it's probably a good sign that you shouldn't be flirting with them, since the ramifications are so far-reaching.

How do you tell if someone is attracted to you sexually?

There are some signs that someone shows if they're attracted to you sexually. For example, they may find excuses to spend time alone with you. Or, they might exhibit more open body language and more frequent and consistent eye contact. They might also touch you lightly and appropriately during a conversation whenever they get the chance. The most obvious indicator, though, is that they flirt with you outright.

What to do when you feel disrespected by your boss?

The first thing you should do if you feel disrespected by your boss is to make a list of the specific instances that made you feel disrespected. This could be everything from pressuring you to take on duties beyond your job description to sexual harassment. Then, you can go to human resources with this list of specific complaints. In many cases, the company or department will assign both you and your boss to mediation so that you can work through the issues together.

Why do bosses ignore you?

According to many managers, if your boss is ignoring you, then you're probably doing a decent job. In most departments, the boss's job is to mitigate and solve problems with and for the people under them. If the boss is ignoring you, this can be a major sign of trust. It's a sign of trust when the boss ignores you, because it means that the boss trusts you to do your job sufficiently, without their oversight. This mutual trust is your boss being able to work more productively throughout the course of a given project. Hopefully, bosses make their appreciation known, at least at the completion of each project or milestone. If they don't appreciate and encourage you along the way, it can lead to burnout. However, if your boss is stepping back and letting you take charge and make decisions, then this is a sign of trust.

What to do when your job makes you miserable?

If you feel miserable in your job, the first thing you should do is determine what about the job exactly is making you feel miserable. Perhaps you enjoy working with your colleagues but it's difficult to keep up with all of the challenging assignments. Or maybe you're a successful business insider, but your coworkers are making your job a nightmare. Another possibility is that your boss is mean to you. It's hard to like work if your boss is disproportionately rude or mean to the employees. Talk to HR or the person assigned to manage your boss, if applicable, to see if you can work something out if this is the case.

Whether you feel miserable because of the job itself or because of the coworkers, you can always start looking for a new job. Even if your boss is impressed with your work, you might be wanting more from your career and work life, and that's perfectly normal. So, if your job is making you miserable but you can't afford to quit, the best thing to do is to be constantly looking for something better.

How do you seduce your boss?

Before you seduce your boss, you should make sure that you're ready to deal with all of the implications that dating (and possibly breaking up with) your boss entails. Once you've come to terms with and accepted all of the risks involved with seducing your boss, you can start to poke around and look for signs that your boss is attracted to you romantically.

Then, you can start flirting with your boss and making excuses to be alone with them. For example, you might offer to stay late to work alone on tough assignments. This ploy is extra promising if your boss makes these after-hours sessions a regular assignment. If the boss often asks to work with you one on one, then you know that you're on the right path!

An important part of seducing the boss is to keep a high standard, even on tough assignments. This means that you shouldn't let your flirting do your work for you. Instead, try to be even better on the assignments. Lend a hand for challenging assignments and continue to learn and grow through the tough assignments that you're given. Don't let your flirtation with the boss be the only reason that you grow and thrive in your job!

Is he flirting or just being nice at work?

The workplace is where most people spend most of their time. It becomes the basis of a person's social life in many cases, and in the best circumstances, the workplace is a great place to make and maintain friendships. But what about when a guy is just a little bit too nice at work? Is he flirting? If it's your boss, what would cause a boss to mingle with their worker in such a way?

Some of the subtle signs that your male coworker might be flirting with you are easy to spot. For example, they'll exhibit a lot of the normal signs of attraction, such as giving a lot of compliments, engaging in prolonged eye contact, finding excuses to touch you in appropriate or acceptable ways throughout the working day, or praising you in front of other employees or even in front of their own superiors.

Here are some signs that your boss is interested in you:

  • They arrange a strange number of private meetings or late night meetings with you
  • They give you flexible hours, special hours or other perks
  • They give you better projects more mentoring time or projects where you will be working more closely with them
  • They offer you more flexible deadlines
  • Their body language is playful around you (more playful than it is with others)
  • They give you special perks be lax when you make mistakes or give you other special treatment
  • They change their appearance and try to show off in front of you or make overblown promises to impress you
  • They take you on lunches offer to pay invite you to spend time with them or do something else to deep in the relationship without doing it to other workers
  • Your boss flirts with you overtly

These are all common signs that your boss secretly has a crush on you, but this is not an extensive list. If your boss secretly has a crush on you, they might also start sharing confidences or secrets with you. Sharing confidences is a proven sign that someone likes you. Of course, some of these things could just mean that your boss thinks you're great, or they could be due to the fact that they are a boss that happens to be kind and generous. For example, if all you notice is that they are acting as a leadership coach with you or are giving you special projects, it could just be that you're an awesome employee, particularly if there aren't any other signs. Additionally, a kind and generous boss might be lax about your mistakes, especially minor ones, but they would also be lax about other people's small mistakes if that's the case. If your instincts say otherwise, however, listen. "Instincts aren't whims" most of the time; it's about your brain "putting hundreds of facts together," as national workplace expert and international business speaker Lynn Taylor has said.

If your boss gives you preferential treatment, it might mean that your boss secretly has a crush on you. If they call or text you in ways that are inappropriate in the workplace, pay attention, and don't let your feelings cloud your vision. This isn't OK, and any emotion or physical feeling you have, such as a gut instinct that this isn't right, is something that you should listen to. Your boss may treat you differently, but lines such as 'anyone would be treated this way' to cover it up, despite the fact that you know this isn't true. There are many resources you can use to learn about what's appropriate and respectful in the workplace. This Banmiller Business podcast episode with Lynn Taylor and international business speaker Michael Kerr is an excellent resource to use to learn about respect in the work environment.

How do you tell if your boss is flirting with you?

There are many dynamics with workplace romance. The consequences could be far reaching on both sides, either you yield or remain resolute especially if the advances are coming from a superior. When your boss thinks you're great and you find him complimenting you regularly on work related and non-work related issues, your boss may be flirting with you . More often than not, these compliments tend to move away from job-related ones to special types that an average admirer may give you. You will often find that your boss gives you some special treatment from time to time, such as giving you a ride in his car, or asking you to go with him to important official appointments. Flirtatious boss secretly places you ahead of others in order of hierarchy and this may begin to make you look bad in the face of your colleagues and subordinates.

It may be that your gut instincts kick in and you begin to analyze some of the advances from your boss such as body language or always wanting to spend time with you in his office or even after working hours, there may be indications that your boss has romantic feelings towards you. You may have noticed your boss flirting with you in situations where the boss playfully teases you both secretly and openly which often send a wrong signal to the rest of the team. It could also be that your boss decides to give you an assignment or a special consideration for a task, one that he does not give to some of your colleagues who were used to handling such tasks. Situations and instances like these begin to take root in their minds and overtime, this begins to cause some sort of distance and bias towards you.

The consequences are enormous as it appears you may lose on both sides irrespective of the decision you make, i.e., whether or not you want the office romance. It is imperative to note that the decision to date your boss lies solely on you as an individual while paying attention to possible consequences.

When you begin to receive special treatment from your boss, or you begin to notice some funny body language from them, you may need to check the situation carefully to know for sure if your boss is actually flirting with you. It could also become more noticeable if this special treatment happens just with you. If you have noticed more than once that he tries to touch you in a way that is inappropriate, then your boss is definitely flirting with you and may be planning towards having an office romance with you.

Sometimes, your boss may start talking to you about personal issues and you begin to wonder why. While it may be because they trust you, it is also possible that they are trying to build a bond with you, especially if these discussions only happen with you. Love struck bosses may also adopt the strategy of making promises of quick and fast promotions, most of which are not known to have happened in the history of the organization.

All these signs only point to one thing and that is the fact that your boss is flirting with you and would not mind having an office romance with you.

What do you do when you have a crush on your boss?

If you start to fall in love with your boss, it is likely that you're having a lot of internal conflict. Before you do anything in terms of a crush on your boss, you should weigh the risks and costs associated with pursuing your boss romantically. What started out as a normal working relationship has developed into an interest that's romantically motivated. But if the relationship continues on the romantic track, what could you stand to lose in the workplace?

Because of the power differences and dynamics between an employee and a boss, it's usually best to not pursue your boss if you have a crush on them. This is because the romantic aspects of a relationship could interfere with your work life. It could be nice at the beginning of the relationship, but what happens if you end up breaking up with your boss? If your boss one day decides they don't like you, remember all of the fallout that could happen at the workplace.

If you have a crush on your boss, it's best to let it be. You might find that those feelings fade over time, and you can avoid a messy relationship that spills into your workplace. Or, you might find that as you get to know your boss better and better, you're able to build a solid working relationship and friendship without involving a sexual or romantic expectation from the beginning.

Having a crush on your boss can be deemed impropriety if not properly handled. If your boss is single and would definitely not mind starting a relationship, this may not be bad in itself, but it is important for you to understand that this person you have a crush on could make or mar your career if you take the wrong step. Navigating the divide between being professional and having to deal with emotions, especially one directed at your boss is always tricky and the end result is mostly probabilistic.

Nursing a romantic agenda may intrigue you but the tidal wave of office politics and professionalism remains dicey. Every organization would have a policy in place that usually deals with dating and romantic relationships within the office. It is advisable to go through this policy to understand the waters you are about sailing into. If you are in an organization that discourages workplace romance, you may want to start working on getting over the feelings and if this proves difficult, a hard but wise decision would be to resign.

Having to resign and opt for a new job would provide the avenue for you to freely jump at the chance of going ahead with a probable relationship since you both work with different organizations.

On the other hand, if you decide to navigate the strain that comes with staying back at your workplace and fancying your chances with your boss, you must be ready to bear the unfriendly attitude that may be shown by your colleagues and those you work with. Assuming you were given an assignment or a special task and you fail to deliver, your boss may decide to wave it off for other reasons outside the feelings you both share, or perhaps he reprimands you subtly, this may suggest to your other colleagues that you are being unnecessarily pampered.

This brings to fore a ripple effect that may be felt across the department in terms of job delivery and efficiency of other co-workers. There are also the funny reactions and treatments from others which you will have to deal with. While they may not be forward about discussing your relationship with the boss, they are most likely going to be showing their disapproval silently, mostly through actions and inactions.

In a situation where both parties- either a female boss and male subordinate or a male boss and a female subordinate- want to fan the relationship to flame, it is pertinent for both of them to exhibit utmost discretion at the workplace. This helps to keep the workplace atmosphere, especially other co-workers and colleagues at ease. There should be no preferential treatment or seeming penchant to favor that subordinate over others. It is also very important not to downplay the effort of such subordinates in order to keep up the appearance of equal treatment for all the team members. Everyone should be rewarded and appreciated equally for their contributions towards the growth of the organization.

How do you make your boss like you romantically?

Thinking about flirting with your boss means you are looking for something within or outside the professional working scene. If you are attracted to your boss and you feel the urge to start a relationship, you should analyze the situation carefully to be able to understand what you really want. For instance, if you are in meetings, then your boss singles you out for a contribution or insight into an issue, this could be an opportunity to make your case and be noticed by acing the session.

In addition to other signs that you are going to pass off while flirting, when your boss shares work to be done, take it up with enthusiasm, work on it with dedication and get it done before the slated deadline- this will help draw his attention to you. However, ensure that you do not give more than you want to when flirting. Maintain eye contact as often as you can and lap it up with a beautiful smile. Try as much as you can to ensure he notices the sign. Compliments are also a good way to pass a subtle message to your boss, but be careful while at it.

Ensure you do not give off yourself as a desperate employee as this may get you fired. Even after you realize your boss understands the message, do not let down your guard and feel you have made the shot. Some bosses may just be playing along to see the final play before nailing you and ending your career at the office. Pay close attention and be fully sure that the responses you are receiving are genuine. Your boss' manner of response will help you understand whether or not you will take this further. Watch for this sign regularly, ensuring you do not take a one-off positive response as a leeway to proceed or a harsh or unfriendly response or reaction as a rejection.

One of the could-be undoing when it comes to office romance is to make sure you do not send flirty messages using official email addresses as this may pose unprofessional if an audit is conducted. In order not to shoot yourself in the foot in your quest, you could arrange a coffee break with your boss during lunch to sample his or her opinion on office relationships. When having the discussion with your boss, share work challenges and expectations and do some dillydallying around a bit before asking the main question. Their response to this question about romantic office relationships would also go a long way to help determine whether or not you should proceed.

Remember, your primary purpose at the organization is to work and make a living. Your career should supersede any other issue as far as the organization is concerned. While emotions are always bound to pop up every once in a while, ensure you do not overtly lose yourself and career if your advances aren't met with the same interest and vigor.

How do you know if your boss likes you romantically?

If you're looking for signs your boss likes you romantically, you should look for the basic indicators and body language of attraction. For example, your boss might often bring up topics that aren't work related when you're chatting, or they offer you lots of compliments that aren't work related. Has your boss been texting you about things that aren't related to work? This is another indicator that your boss might be interested in you romantically.

In meetings your boss might defer to you more often than other coworkers; your boss thinks you're great, and not just because of your work ethic and output. A very clear sign that your boss likes you romantically is if your boss is constantly flirting with you, even in the workplace. Or, if your boss asks about your personal life he might be interested in you as more than just a friend or employee. Bosses may give you mixed signals, too, that can be confusing.

Should I tell my boss I have feelings for him?

Telling your boss that you have feelings for him puts you, as the employee, in a very risky situation. For example, you might be in charge of important projects around the office. If word gets out that you and the boss have a romantic relationship, other employees might suspect your qualifications – even if you are the most qualified employee for the job! Instead of understanding that you're in this spot because you're knowledgeable and qualified, they might start rumors that you only got the project or position because you're sleeping with the boss.

Or, if your boss doesn't reciprocate your feelings, it can get really awkward around the workplace. This tension can affect the assignments and projects that your boss gives you, which can have an impact on your professional life and career development in the long run.

So, before you tell your boss about your feelings, you need to seriously consider the risks.

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How to Tell if Your Boss Likes You
